There was a boy who knewhe could be anything that he wanted to.Everybody told him he had a singular destiny.Everybody said he'd go far-everybody said he'd be a star.They said he could be anything he wanted to be-then he turned into me.Now it seems increasingly unlikelythat I'm gonna grow up to be Luke Skywalker-not gonna be Indiana Jones.And after all this time it's probably not gonna turn outthat I'm the super-powered heirto a world that isn't there anymore.But somebody told me I was special.Somebody told me that I could be anything I wanted to be.How could they have known the dreams I hadwere not the dreams they had for me?They said I could be what I wanted-they had no idea what I wanted.And I don't mean to seem ungratefulfor all their encouragement and praise.I just meant to say that I don't intend to stay and spendanother wasted year, cause at the endI bet I'd still be sitting here wasting time and waiting.I'm waiting for my Lady of the Lake to come and crown me king.I'm waiting for my rocket to land so I can get my power ring.I'm waiting for my radioactive meteorite to fall.I'm waiting but I ain't got no meteorite at all.I'm waiting for my story to begin.I'm waiting for my.